
BIEB Engineering is one of the leading engineering companies in the West Indies / Guyana zone in the fields of building, earthquake engineering, restoration, infrastructures, roads and civil engineering, sports facilities engineering and environmental engineering.

Our organisation allows us to meet very closely to our clients wishes and projects.

Our services include :

  • Construction management in every field of building engineering, infrastructures and sports facilities engineering ;
  • Structures blueprints (concrete, steel and timber structures) ;
  • Construction management ;
  • Cost analysis ;
  • Construction and schedule supervision and coordination.

Our skills are based on the quality of the members of our team, specialists, engineers and technicians who combine efficiency and experience and also on our work methods, high technology tools and softwares.

We use the softwares developped by Robobat® (design, modeling and analysis of structures and buildings).

We’ve developped high skills in earthquake engineering and parasismic design.

These skills, directed towards innovation and sustainable development are working together to design, manage and build your projects.